
Masaveu Industria


Students from the Faculty of Mine Engineering in León visit La Robla cement factory

On the 4th and 9th of April, a total of one hundred 1st, 3rd and 4th year students from the Faculty of Mine Engineering at León University, visited the facilities of the cement factory in La Robla.

Production manager, Mr Armando Turbón, began the visit with a talk on the general functioning of the factory; covering everything from the extraction process of the limestone in the quarry through to the packaging of the cement, including, as always, environmental aspects and energy recovery processes carried out in the plant.

After the presentation, Mr Álvaro García, also from the Production Department, took the students on a tour of the factory, during which they visited the blending bed, the waste heat recovery unit, the cement kiln and the packaging plant. At the laboratory, the students listened intently to the explanations of lab director Mr Jesús Manovel. The tour ended with a visit to the central control room.

After the visit, a group of students travelled to the quarry, where Mr Javier Rodil provided more information on the limestone extraction process and the method of transporting the material to the factory.

Published 4/15/14